Teach Your Children Well: A Primer on Responsible Use of Social Media Teach Your Children Well: A Primer on Responsible Use of Social Media2019-04-29T22:05:03+00:00By JC Shakespeare|Family, Parenting|
Don’t Bully Yourself! Don’t Bully Yourself!2019-04-30T21:19:49+00:00By JC Shakespeare|Personal Development, Teen Angst|
Teen Angst and Summer Movies Teen Angst and Summer Movies2019-04-29T21:59:35+00:00By JC Shakespeare|Books & Film, Family, Parenting, Teen Angst|
EMDR and the Power of the Mind’s Resilience EMDR and the Power of the Mind’s Resilience2019-03-24T04:23:37+00:00By JC Shakespeare|EMDR, Parenting|
BOYHOOD: Some Thoughts on Richard Linklater’s Epic Film BOYHOOD: Some Thoughts on Richard Linklater’s Epic Film2019-03-24T04:35:06+00:00By JC Shakespeare|Books & Film|
Why Our Teens Think We’re Full of Crap Why Our Teens Think We’re Full of Crap2019-04-29T20:04:25+00:00By JC Shakespeare|Family, Parenting, Teen Angst|